
01. Installation instructions

Prefer watching instead of reading?

check out this video tutorial which shows you how you can create an Admin Panel from scratch.

Installation of an AdminJS consist of 2 steps.

01. Install the framework plugin

Since AdminJS uses your existing framework to render its routes - you have to use one of our plugins.

There are plugins for:

In this tutorial I will present the simplest way of adding AdminJS to an express framework. If you want to launch AdminJS by other framework - see its documentation (above)

Express installation

Install the AdminJS along with the express plugin

npm install adminjs @adminjs/express

If you don't have express or express-formidable already installed, you will have to add that too. This is because they are peerDependencies of @adminjs/express:

npm install express express-formidable

Now create an express router which will handle all AdminJS routes

const AdminJS = require('adminjs')
const AdminJSExpress = require('@adminjs/express')

const express = require('express')
const app = express()

const adminJs = new AdminJS({
  databases: [],
  rootPath: '/admin',

const router = AdminJSExpress.buildRouter(adminJs)

Use this router in express.js app

app.use(adminJs.options.rootPath, router)
app.listen(8080, () => console.log('AdminJS is under localhost:8080/admin'))

If you are adding AdminJS to an application which already has any other middleware, it is good to put the AdminJS setup on top.

This is because other middleware can transform requests so that AdminJS wont be able to handle it.

To see how to add an authentication or other modifications - visit the Express Plugin documentation.

02. Install the Database Adapter and add resources

AdminJS can be connected to many different types of resources. Right now we support:

To add resources to AdminJS you first have to register adapter for the resource you want to use.

Example for a mongoose setup:


npm install @adminjs/mongoose

Registration of the adapter

const AdminJS = require('adminjs')
const AdminJSMongoose = require('@adminjs/mongoose')


Pass resources to AdminJS like this (express example)

const User = mongoose.model('User', { name: String, email: String, surname: String })
const adminJsOptions = {
  resources: [User],
const AdminJS = new AdminJS(adminJsOptions)
const router = AdminJSExpress.buildRouter(adminJs)
// and add router to express

What's next?