
08. Role-Based Access Control

In this brief tutorial, I will present how you can add a role-based Admin Panel to your Node.js app. You can use this knowledge to build an entire application with access roles for managing different sort of data in 10 minutes.

ok — MVP version of that application :)

The stack

These are the things we will use

  • as a router, we will use an Express framework
  • for persistent storage, we will use MongoDB with mongoose ODM
  • and of course - adminjs

So let’s start!

Setup the application

First of all, let’s create the folder and init new Node.js app there:

mkdir my-admin-app
cd my-admin-app
yarn init -y

Install the dependencies:

yarn add express express-formidable mongoose adminjs @adminjs/mongoose @adminjs/express

and copy this example app:

// Requirements
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const express = require('express')
const AdminJS = require('adminjs')
const AdminJSExpress = require('@adminjs/express')

// We have to tell AdminJS that we will manage mongoose resources with it

// express server definition
const app = express()

// Resources definitions
const User = mongoose.model('User', {
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  password: { type: String, required: true },
  role: { type: String, enum: ['admin', 'restricted'], required: true },

// Pass all configuration settings to AdminJS
const adminJs = new AdminJS({
  resources: [User],
  rootPath: '/admin',

// Build and use a router which will handle all AdminJS routes
const router = AdminJSExpress.buildRouter(adminJs)
app.use(adminJs.options.rootPath, router)

// Running the server
const run = async () => {
  await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', { useNewUrlParser: true })
  await app.listen(8080, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port 8080!`))


Now (assuming you have MongoDB running) run the server to see if everything is working correctly:

node index.js

You should see:

AdminJS: bundle ready
Example app listening on port 8080!

so open: http://localhost:8080/admin and play around with it.

Hash the password

We see that the password is not hashed. So let’s change that!

We will use (bcrypt)[https://www.npmjs.com/package/bcrypt] library for hashing passwords:

yarn add bcrypt

Now we have to intercept the new action and change the password to encrypted one.

So let’s prepare our model first by renaming the password field in the database to encryptedPassword:

// Resources definitions
const User = mongoose.model('User', {
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  encryptedPassword: { type: String, required: true },
  role: { type: String, enum: ['admin', 'restricted'], required: true },

Next, add some options to the AdminJS User model. We will create a new virtual property called password (because we don’t have a password in the database anymore). And we will show it only on an edit page.

Secondly, we create a before action hook which will hash the password.

This is how all of this will look:

// Pass all configuration settings to AdminJS
const adminJs = new AdminJS({
  resources: [{
    resource: User,
    options: {
      properties: {
        encryptedPassword: {
          isVisible: false,
        password: {
          type: 'string',
          isVisible: {
            list: false, edit: true, filter: false, show: false,
      actions: {
        new: {
          before: async (request) => {
            if(request.payload.password) {
              request.payload = {
                encryptedPassword: await bcrypt.hash(request.payload.password, 10),
                password: undefined,
            return request
  rootPath: '/admin',

As you probably noticed we also hidden encryptedPassword entirely from the UI.

Ok, now is the time to create some real users! So open the Admin Panel and create 2 users: one with the admin role and the other with the restricted role.

Remember their passwords because in the next paragraph we will add a login page.

Adding login page

module:@adminjs/express plugin, which we use for attaching admin to express framework, has the option to authenticate AdminJS users. In order to use it, we have to change the buildRouter function to the buildAuthenticatedRouter. Now we can pass the authentication method which will verify an email and a password.

// Build and use a router which will handle all AdminJS routes
const router = AdminJSExpress.buildAuthenticatedRouter(adminJs, {
  authenticate: async (email, password) => {
    const user = await User.findOne({ email })
    if (user) {
      const matched = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.encryptedPassword)
      if (matched) {
        return user
    return false
  cookiePassword: 'some-secret-password-used-to-secure-cookie',

Finally, install the authenticated router dependencies:

yarn add cookie-parser express-session

and we can run the server again and log in to the app.

Restricting access to an entire resource

Having all of that, we can now implement a real Role-Based Access Control.

To demonstrate this let’s create another collection —  Cars with name, owner and colour fields.

// Cars collection
const Cars = mongoose.model('Car', {
  name: String,
  color: { type: String, enum: ['black'], required: true }, // Henry Ford
  ownerId: {
    type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User',

Now, let’s disable modifying users collection so restricted admins will be able to only see the records.

In order to do that we have to add the isAccessible action parameter in User options for: edit, new and delete actions:

isAccessible: ({ currentAdmin }) => currentAdmin && currentAdmin.role === 'admin',

where the currentAdmin is the object we returned in buildAuthenticatedRouter authenticate function.

Now only admins will be able to add new users.

Restricting access to selected records

isAccessible takes an entire ActionContext as an argument. That gives us lots of options. For instance, we can disable editing of cars which does not belong to restricted users (admins will still be able to edit everything).

In order to achieve that we can pass the following function to both edit and delete actions in Cars collection options:

isAccessible: ({ currentAdmin, record }) => {
  return currentAdmin && (
    currentAdmin.role === 'admin'
    || currentAdmin._id === record.param('ownerId')

Seems fine but what with the new action. We have to limit restricted admins to only add their cars. We can do this by filling out ownerId field automatically based on the currently logged-in user.

First, we have to disable this field in the UI:

properties: {
  ownerId: {
    isVisible: {
      edit: false,
      show: true,
      list: true,
      filter: true

and add a before hook to new action:

before: async (request, { currentAdmin }) => {
  request.payload = {
    ownerId: currentAdmin._id,
  return request

And that’s it. We’ve just built an Admin Panel with Role-Based Access Control.

And this is the entire code of the application:

// Requirements
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const express = require('express')
const AdminJS = require('adminjs')
const AdminJSExpress = require('@adminjs/express')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')

// We have to tell AdminJS that we will manage mongoose resources with it

// express server definition
const app = express()

// Resources definitions
const User = mongoose.model('User', {
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  encryptedPassword: { type: String, required: true },
  role: { type: String, enum: ['admin', 'restricted'], required: true },

// Cars collection
const Cars = mongoose.model('Car', {
  name: String,
  color: { type: String, enum: ['black'], required: true }, // Henry Ford
  ownerId: {
    type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User',

// RBAC functions
const canEditCars = ({ currentAdmin, record }) => {
  return currentAdmin && (
    currentAdmin.role === 'admin'
    || currentAdmin._id === record.param('ownerId')
const canModifyUsers = ({ currentAdmin }) => currentAdmin && currentAdmin.role === 'admin'

// Pass all configuration settings to AdminJS
const adminJs = new AdminJS({
  resources: [{
    resource: Cars,
    options: {
      properties: {
        ownerId: { isVisible: { edit: false, show: true, list: true, filter: true } }
      actions: {
        edit: { isAccessible: canEditCars },
        delete: { isAccessible: canEditCars },
        new: {
          before: async (request, { currentAdmin }) => {
            request.payload = {
              ownerId: currentAdmin._id,
            return request
    resource: User,
    options: {
      properties: {
        encryptedPassword: { isVisible: false },
        password: {
          type: 'string',
          isVisible: {
            list: false, edit: true, filter: false, show: false,
      actions: {
        new: {
          before: async (request) => {
            if(request.payload.password) {
              request.payload = {
                encryptedPassword: await bcrypt.hash(request.payload.password, 10),
                password: undefined,
            return request
        edit: { isAccessible: canModifyUsers },
        delete: { isAccessible: canModifyUsers },
        new: { isAccessible: canModifyUsers },
  rootPath: '/admin',

// Build and use a router which will handle all AdminJS routes
const router = AdminJSExpress.buildAuthenticatedRouter(adminJs, {
  authenticate: async (email, password) => {
    const user = await User.findOne({ email })
    if (user) {
      const matched = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.encryptedPassword)
      if (matched) {
        return user
    return false
  cookiePassword: 'some-secret-password-used-to-secure-cookie',

app.use(adminJs.options.rootPath, router)

// Running the server
const run = async () => {
  await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', { useNewUrlParser: true })
  await app.listen(8080, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port 8080!`))
