

A Mongoose database adapter for AdminJS.


To install the adapter run

yarn add @adminjs/mongoose


In order to use it in your project register the adapter first:

const AdminJS = require('adminjs')
const AdminJSMongoose = require('@adminjs/mongoose')


Passing an entire database

You can now pass an entire database to AdminJSOptions

const mongoose = require('mongoose')

// even if we pass entire database, models have to be in scope require('path-to-your/mongoose-model1') require('path-to-your/mongoose-model2')

const run = async () => { const connection = await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', { useNewUrlParser: true, }) const AdminJS = new AdminJS({ databases: [connection], //... other AdminJSOptions }) //... } run()

Notice, that we connected with the database BEFORE passing it to the AdminJS({}) options. This is very important. Otherwise, AdminJS might not find any resources.

Passing each resource

Passing via resource gives you the ability to add additional ResourceOptions

const User = mongoose.model('User', { name: String, email: String, surname: String })

const run = async () => { await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', { useNewUrlParser: true, }) const AdminJS = new AdminJS({ resources: [{ resource: User, options: { //... } }], //... other AdminJSOptions }) }

View Source adminjs-mongoose/src/index.ts, line 2