
05. Writing your own Components

Ok - so you have everything set up and now you want to change how a particular Resource looks.

For instance, you may want to show a google map for location fields, or even present some values as a graph.

You can do this all by writing your custom components.

Example of overriding how dashboard looks:


const AdminJSOptions = {
  dashboard: {
    component: AdminJS.bundle('./my-dashboard-component')

Dashboard component: ./my-dashboard-component.jsx

import React from 'react'
import { Box } from 'adminjs'

const Dashboard = (props) => {
  return (
    <Box>My custom dashboard</Box>

export default Dashboard

As you can see AdminJS uses React as a frontend framework. So before you proceed - make sure you know how react works.

Where you can insert your custom components?

Currently, there are 4 places where you can inject components to alter how AdminJS looks:

Requiring component

First of all - you have to require them by using AdminJS.bundle function. What it does - it gives your component an unique ID and sends it to the bundling process.

You can do it like this: { component: AdminJS.bundle('./path-to-your-jsx-or-tsx-file') }

All files required by AdminJS.bundle has to have one default export - the one with your react component.

You can use either .jsx or .tsx extension for your components.


AdminJS bundler gives you the ability to import following dependencies without the need of requiring them in your package.json file:

State management




So you can do something like this:

// your-custom-component.jsx
import React from 'react'
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'

const YourComponent (props) => {...}

export default withRouter(YourComponent)

Props passed to components

In your components, you can use props passed by their controlling components.

Currently we have 2 controlling components:

Check out their documentation to see available props

Dashboard and Pages don't have any controlling component, so they don't receive any props.

Reusing UI Components of AdminJS

AdminJS gives you the ability to reuse its components. You can do this by simply requiring them:

import { Label } from '@adminjs/design-system'

const YourComponent (props) => {(
  <Label>Some styled text<Label>

We divide components internally to 2 groups:

  • application components - which requires AdminJS, you can think about them as "smart components"
  • and design system components - they don't require AdminJS and you can use them outside of the AdminJS setup.

That is why sometimes you have to import components from 'adminjs' package and sometimes from '@adminjs/design-system'.

Each of the components is described with the playground option, so make sure to check out all the documentation of all the components.

One of the most versatile component is a BasePropertyComponent. It allows you to render any property. Combined with useRecord is a powerful tool for building forms.


We support Theme compatible with https://system-ui.com/theme standard.

In order to override default colors, fonts, sizes etc., you can put your values in AdminJSOptions.branding.

Using style props

AdminJS components are supercharged with multiple props controlling styles. For instance in order to change color of a module:@adminjs/design-system.Button you can pass backgroundColor (bg) from the module:@adminjs/design-system.Theme like that:

<Button bg="primary60"></Button>

For all possible options visit the Theme description.

Adding custom css to components

If using style props is not enough - you can always pass your custom CSS. So for instance let's assume that you would like to overwrite CSS in a Button component. You can do this like that:

import { Button } from '@adminjs/design-system'

const MyButton = styled(Button)`
  background-color: #ccc;
  color: ${({theme}) => theme.colors.grey100};

We use styled-components under the hood so make sure to check out their docs.

Using other AdminJS frontend classes and objects

AdminJS also exposes following classes:

You can use them like this:

import { ApiClient, ViewHelpers } from 'adminjs'