import { Action, RecordActionResponse } from '../action.interface'
import NotFoundError from '../../utils/errors/not-found-error'
import ValidationError from '../../utils/errors/validation-error'
* @implements Action
* @category Actions
* @module DeleteAction
* @description
* Removes given record from the database. Since it doesn't have a
* component - it redirects right away after clicking its {@link ActionButton}
* @private
export const DeleteAction: Action<RecordActionResponse> = {
name: 'delete',
isVisible: true,
actionType: 'record',
icon: 'TrashCan',
guard: 'confirmDelete',
component: false,
variant: 'danger',
* Responsible for deleting existing record.
* To invoke this action use {@link ApiClient#recordAction}
* @return {Promise<RecordActionResponse>}
* @implements ActionHandler
* @memberof module:DeleteAction
handler: async (request, response, data) => {
const { record, resource, currentAdmin, h, translateMessage } = data
if (!request.params.recordId || !record) {
throw new NotFoundError([
'You have to pass "recordId" to Delete Action',
].join('\n'), 'Action#handler')
try {
await resource.delete(request.params.recordId)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ValidationError && error.baseError) {
return {
record: record.toJSON(currentAdmin),
notice: {
message: error.baseError.message,
type: 'error',
throw error
return {
record: record.toJSON(currentAdmin),
redirectUrl: h.resourceUrl({ resourceId: resource._decorated?.id() || }),
notice: {
message: translateMessage('successfullyDeleted',,
type: 'success',
export default DeleteAction